I am choosing Willingness....The past several weeks, the Not-so-Popular Truth of Generation Z Series went great! We had 6 young ladies share Jesus with us. These gals are shining Jesus at all around them. They are experiencing a real & growing relationship with Him. They are digging in scripture. Asking the hard questions of leaders.
Catch up on these inspiring posts if you missed them: Intro to Generation Z-#1, Gen Z-#2, Gen Z-#3, Gen Z-#4 There is a new generation being raised up for a change in our land. I see a coming back to the One True God and I do not want to be left out! I want to be part of this New Thing God is doing! This younger generation is not content to believe just because someone tells them to. They were born into a world already learning the importance, more than older generations, that just because it is on the internet or social media does not make it truth. Having truth and lies put before them every single moment of each day has made them want proof. The younger ones weigh out other’s words until trust and authenticity have been formed. In other words, these younger ones will not be the content to sit in church, listen to praise music & an encouraging sermon and leave convinced that Jesus is God. This will not convince them that Jesus is essential to fill a void we were all born with. If I had made the above statement during the introduction to this post series, it may have look like the souls of our younger ones were doomed. BUT GOD….you see, God is moving! God is raising up a new generation to go beyond. To go deeper. To know why they do what they do. Why church attendance is important, and why spending time disconnected to everything but Him is vital to know Him more. God is raising up a generation that desires to know HIM. Not about Him, but to know Him as real and powerful. Knowing He loves them deeper than anyone ever could, but also knowing He expects reverent fearing because HE IS GOD! Throughout this series, I have thought of the story of the Israelites and how we, the American church, may be more like them than we want to admit. (and what does any of this story has to do with the younger generations of today? let me explain) I know! I know! We never want to compare ourselves to those rebellious, wandering Israelites that couldn't see God any further than their nose! First of all, remember back with me. There was a generation of people who never entered the promised land, but instead lived on the outside edge. Right there, but never living in the amazing & rich land God wanted to give them. I DO NOT WANT TO BE ANOTHER GENERATION (like the Israelites) THAT STAYS ON THE EDGE OF WHAT GOD HAS FOR US! ...ON THE EDGE OF WHERE COMFORTABLE & CHALLENGING MEET! NOPE, I WANT TO BE SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS PRESENCE, HIS MIRACLES, HIS POWER, ......JUST HIM! To summarize this story from the Bible, God had shown Himself powerful, faithful and mighty. God had been faithful to provide when there was no earthly way. He delivered them out of slavery. He provided a good leader. He had them see His Presence in a cloud & then in a fire. He provided the exact amount of manna each day. When they grumbled because they were bored with manna, he sent them quail by evening. Continue Reading >>>> Click READ MORE >>>
He is Raising Up a New Generation!Who is Gen Z and what do we need to know about them? This is the final week of guest posts in a Series called "Not-So-Popular Truth of GENERATION Z". PART ONE is where I explained who Gen Z is and where this post came from. You will definitely want to start with that one and get all the stats & details as well as and hear what Tanner, our first guest post shared. Once you read that, you will be hooked and want to read PART TWO where Katelynn, who has her own blog about learning to navigate young adult life with Jesus, shares. Leigh Law is another young blogger for Jesus who shared with us last week in PART THREE. These girls and their insight amaze me. I promise you will be inspired! This week, I am trying to keep my words to a minimum and focus on the last three guests and their words. They are just as amazing as the others. So, let's just get to it! He is Raising Up a New Generation!![]() Generation Z? Who is Gen Z and what do we need to know about them? So, last week began a Series called "Not-So-Popular Truth of GENERATION Z" and the response was overwhelming! In the introduction, I explained who Gen Z is and where this post came from. You will definitely want to start with that one. PART ONE HERE! Seriously, you really want to get all the stats & details in that 1st post and hear what Tanner wanted to share. Then you will not want to miss Katelynn's heart either. Go read (OR LISTEN) PART TWO HERE. I invited several young ladies to share with us how they would answer this question: and Jesus asked," Who do YOU Say that I Am?" I see God raising up this generation right in front of our eyes! Their heart for Jesus blows me away. God IS raising up a new generation of warriors! My heart swells to see them hungry. Asking the hard questions to know Jesus for themselves! |
January 2019