![]() Have you ever awakened to a feeling of complete overwhelm? Almost as if you are being swept over by the huge waves over & over again and about to drown? There are days like that for all of us. At times, those days turn into weeks or months before we feel we can catch our breath again. BUT GOD...He sees. He knows. He is working even in these times, when we feel like He has abandoned us. THAT IS NOT HOW GOD WORKS! He never leaves us. He is always there, even if we can't see it or feel it. He promises this to us all throughout the scriptures. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”- Deuteronomy 31:8 My friend, Laurie, is allowing me to share a personal story on this very matter. Laurie is a gifted writer and her heart is so set on Him that it pours out through her life and her writings. The more I get to know her, the more I love her and I think you will too! Laurie writes: This morning I woke up without the best outlook on life. I try to write down what's in my heart before I spend time with God. I do this because it is unreal how he will often speak to the details. That's the process of hearing from God. I used to think it was so complicated but it's totally not. Journaling is saying to God, I believe you're going to talk to me. I believe it enough to get out my pen. It seems the more faithful I've been to do this, the more I "hear" from Him.... This morning my words to God were... "I feel a little bit like I'm drowning today"...and I proceeded to whine. I can do that with Him. 😉He gets me. (I'm sure somebody can relate to the drowning bit, right??!-sw) I almost left it at that. I got up to start laundry and pour another cup of coffee and I thought, I can't leave it like this. I decided to "check my gauges" (the word, the Holy Spirit, Godly friends) and see what God had to say about where I was today. So I opened my devotion for today and began to read. Before I could even finish reading the devotion, I had to write,"well God, you've done it again"... The scripture reading with the devotional included.... As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.”” - Luke 8:23-25 NIV Needless to say, my perspective shifted and I am filled with faith and hope. And I'm reminded "It is well 🎶...the waves and wind still know His name". Check with God. He's in the smallest details of our life. Always ask him what he has to say about it. And when you ask, be ready to listen. Get your pen out! - Laurie Helton I know Laurie's story encouraged you too! I told her how great you all are :) Give her a shout out today and let her know how much you loved it!
THE VERSES PROJECTTHIS IS SO COOL! If you love music like I do, this is a website to save to your favorites list. I am making my way through the different verse-songs now. I am still very new and I haven't picked a favorite to share...yet!
The music I have heard so far is along the lines of Hillsong, Elevation and those sorts of praise & worship bands. The are short songs that are pure scripture. I may need to suggest to them that I need them to repeat the passage reference 50x over at the end of the song?? I have such a hard time with that part. I try. I was introduced to The Verses Project by a friend. Actually this friend is one of my former Sunday School class members! She was in 7 & 8th grade when I taught her and came to love her. She has since been to Asia for a year as a missionary, came back to finish college and is now working full-time while taking seminary classes. She is a Jesus girl. It makes my heart smile so big when I teach beginner youth kids and then get to see them spread their wings as they grow into their own person and their own faith! I have learned so much from 'my kids' throughout my time teaching youth. Many times, it was me who was taught just by loving on and listening to them. Things like this are just a constant reminder that no matter what I thought I was doing FOR God, it was God blessing ME. Always. So take a minute to check out THE VERSES PROJECT today and find your verse for March to memorize. If we listen to it once a day this month we will probably have it down. We may have to sing it when we quote it, but that will be fun too, right?! LET'S DO THIS! Let me know what verse YOU pick! |
January 2019