Spiritual Gift of DiscernmentThere are several spiritual gifts and every believer has at least one. Some have several but one will usually prove more prominent. Discernment is just ONE of the gifts we are given when we come to the knowledge of Jesus and accept the gift of Salvation. The spiritual gift of discernment is sometimes called "discernment of/between spirits". The Holy Spirit enables the gift of discernment in certain Christians to recognize and determine if a certain influence is from God or Satan, (world or flesh) in a given situation. Every church body needs strong believers with this gift to warn of danger that isn't seen outright or from being led astray by any kind of false teaching. Definition of DiscernmentIn the bible, our word discernment was translated from the Greek word: diakrisis- meaning the act or power of distinguishing, deciding, or judging clearly. to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.-1 Corinthians 12:10 NKJV But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.-Hebrews 5:14 ESV As you will see in the verse above, discernment can be trained or grown by constant practice! This happens as we ask God to help us live a life in the spirit instead of our natural inclinations. Praying today for the strengthening of discernment for us all: Father, I come asking you for your blessing, your strength and your power of discernment in each of our lives today. Lord, I know as you take more control of our thoughts and lives, the easier it gets to discern things that are not of you. This gift keeps us from falling down and falling prey to the enemy. Thank you! Help us today to realize what a gift that is and to praise you for it! You give us so many ways to know the amazing & abundant life you planned for us and we praise you BIG! Amen. you may also enjoy:
October 2017