![]() I love to see that person ‘who-will-never-change’ be transformed, the sick be healed, the impossible happen! I just love a good, dramatic, happy ending. I am guessing you are like me and love to see God do amazing and miraculous things that show us He is personal and very real. This shows us the power of prayer. I am blessed to be one of those who has not only heard amazing stories, but I have experienced them firsthand. I can tell you story after story of how my awesome God has provided faithfully in miraculous ways in my life. Many stories. In the craziest of ways! ALL these stories had a common thread...Prayer. Much Prayer. Folks will probably tell you this about me ......”that gal believes in prayer, she prays about everything & I mean EVERYTHING!!” I would tell you, laughing loudly, that they are right. I know, without any doubt, that prayer allows us to see God’s power at work. I have lived it. I’ve experienced answered prayers that seemed like impossible dreams and wishes come to fruition! I am not talking about dreaming for a luxury vehicle here. NO! I am talking about seeing an addicted husband radically changed when he got real with God after years of prayers! Of being so sick with what I now refer to as my 'body shutdown' with labs all crazy & multiple doctors clueless... prayers over the course of those debilitating months brought healing to my body AND my soul! I experienced these personally. This is why I believe so much in the power of prayer! Now don’t think I am this super spiritual woman that has everything all figured out! NO, I am simply an ordinary gal who has finally realized that true, abundant life ONLY comes through true a continuously growing prayer & faith life. When I think about the Creator of the universe wanting a personal relationship with us it still blows me away! God longs to guide us all to a wonderful life without fear and the anxiety of having to figure out life on our own. I will never understand why he loves us like he does, but boy, I am so glad he does! I want to share 7 Nuggets of Wisdom I have Come to Learn about the Power of Prayer in my own life:
I used to only pray to see the power of God, you know, the work I wanted him to do. (messed up, I know!) Over the years, my prayers have changed, thankfully. God has already proven his power to me, in the little and big things. Now, I seek to know Him more. His nature, his love, his work, and His plan for me. When I ask to know him better, I see how He is in everything! He will to show us opportunities to join him in his work. I want nothing more than to see God’s power unleashed all around me so others can know this same power of prayer that I have come to know! God desires to be in a relationship with US today! Prayer is not a science or a skill, it is just talking and listening with your loving Father God. Just talk to Him today and let Him give you a peace and a power you have never known before.
Let's Read the Resurrection Scriptures as Matthew recorded Early on Sunday morning, as the new day was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to visit the tomb. Suddenly there was a great earthquake! For an angel of the Lord came down from heaven, rolled aside the stone, and sat on it. His face shone like lightning, and his clothing was as white as snow. The guards shook with fear when they saw him, and they fell into a dead faint. Then the angel spoke to the women. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying. 7 And now, go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and he is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there. Remember what I have told you.” - Matthew 28:1-7 NLT LIVING He Loved Me DYING He Saved Me BURIED He Carried My Sins Far Away RISING He Justified & Freed Me Forever Watch video >> Oh Glorious Day by Casting Crowns Jesus Christ came to make a way for us to become righteous & holy enough to have a personal relationship with God, our Father. To do this, Jesus came from Heaven & lived as a human man. With one BIG difference...he was sinless! He died an undeserved death to pay a once-and-for-all sacrifice for our sins. Only Jesus, with his perfect, sinless, holy blood was a sacrifice that could make this happen! Jesus sacrificed himself for ME and for YOU! But, what if that had been the end? What if our Savior & Lord died a death like every other human? Thankfully, He didn't die like everyone else...there is MORE! Jesus died on the cross, was buried & guarded by soldiers who had heard talk of a 'resurrection'. They were determined to keep this group from carrying this story any further! BUT GOD.... 3 days later he rose from the grave just as he had said. He WAS dead, but now HE IS ALIVE...EVEN TODAY!! Resurrection Story Proves True God had not just one, but 4 men to write what happened that day! He was seen by over 500 people recorded in over 11 different scenes in the new testament before he ascended back to Heaven!...it happened! When the women went to the tomb to bring the spices for the body, the Angel said, “Why are you looking for the Living among the Dead? He is not here. He is Risen! ....just like he told you....then they remembered his words.” Luke 24:5-8 FOUR EYEWITNESS RESURRECTIONS STORY ACCOUNTS HERE: Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24 & John 20 6 Exciting Hopes in the Resurrection StoryThe Resurrection is KEY to our Christian faith 1-Just as he said, Jesus rose from the dead! WE can now be sure that all he promised us in his Word will also be true. 2-Jesus Resurrection proves we have a LIVING Christ...not just a good prophet or legend. 3-We can be certain our death is not the end! Jesus promised a future life with him if we believe. 4-POWER! The same power that raised Jesus from the grave is now available to us...it brings our dead spirits to abundant life. This same God power destroys sin, creates new lives and is getting us ready for when Jesus comes back! 5-Resurrection of Jesus is the church basis to witness to the world! Our witness is THE One True Savior is Jesus, because JESUS is the ONLY God that is ALIVE!! 6-The Resurrection gives us all HOPE for the future...even when circumstances here are bad...we know an eternity in Heaven with Him is in our future. When we believe, commit to Jesus, and decide to devote our lives to living for Him, can we being to understand what it really means to have a ‘real’ & ‘alive’ God with us each and every moment of our lives! ***************************************************************************** As Easter approaches this week, ask Him how to apply the Resurrection Story in your life today. -what does it mean in YOUR life personally? -is it REAL in your life daily or just a story you hear on Easter Sunday? -is there anything else you think will bring you the HOPE that comes from the Resurrection promises? -Can you say without a doubt that you know Jesus, this Resurrection Hope & that He is real & alive in You? HAPPY EASTER TO YOU ALL! |
October 2017