So you want Peace, huh? How often do you toss & turn while trying to quiet that gnawing that will not let you rest. Peace is something we all work hard to find, but few of us ever find. Lasting peace, anyways. I wonder if our hearts would be at peace tonight if we knew tomorrow would be our last day living? Could you lay down in peace and still sing "It is well with my soul"? Would you be at peace or would you lay awake wondering and pondering all night. Would you see all those "what if's" that didn't seem important as you flew through the days of this life? The problem is, most of us are NOT given the day & time of our departure, our death, are we? Peace will never be ours if we are always looking over our shoulder wondering when our days will be up. What if I told you I have the secret answer to a Peace that lasts day in and day out? The Peace that is still there even when life throws those curve balls at us. Well, I do have it! You will say it seems too easy, too good to be true. BUT I know this secret is the real deal! I can tell you this with confidence because I have experienced it personally! Can I share it with you? One word....JESUS. I told you it sounds too easy! just hear me out. For true and lasting Peace, we simply must open our heart to Jesus Christ. The Bible says that He stands at the door of your life, knocking. Every day. But He doesn't barge in, He waits to be invited. To invite in the Prince of PEACE, who is Jesus, we must Admit our need of a Savior, and Acknowledge our sin (those things we shouldn't have done, and those things left undone. We all know what they are.) When we realize who Jesus really is, we have to acknowledge that we don't understand everything about life, about God, about ourselves, or other people. This part is humbling & many say it is not worth it. Although, in my personal experience, I can attest that Jesus's way is best! Always! I see now after years of trying to do life MY way, that His way would've kept me from my bumps along the way. When I follow God's leading, I find life meaning and purpose, and that brings peace. A few warnings though: First, we can’t just take what we like about the Bible and reject the rest. Remember, this is the whole counsel of God. If we live by it, acknowledging just some of what is in it, we will never understand how big God is! God is God and we are not even close! We must accept His authority in knowing better than we do. Second, let God be God. It is the Christian FAITH, not the Christian proof. We will never understand it all here on earth. Third, don't put off the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ right now. Or next breath is not promised. We do not know whether we will ever have this opportunity again. This is a life in which you and I were created to walk in daily relationship with Him. When we begin to live the way He designed it, PEACE JUST HAPPENS! Deciding to let God be God and just follow Him daily = Pure PEACE. Anything less will only bring temporary peace at best. (Adapted from : Answers to Our Deepest Questions by John Huffman Jr. ) You may find the rest of this BASICS 101 helpful too!
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