Creativity and Mental Wellness Workshop- 1 Spring Door Hanger Paint Party
NOTE: Price Online is more to cover fees deducted from payment service. You can bring or Venmo without fees! Just need to order wood beforehand.
We all know that life is overwhelming these days where good is called evil and evil is called good! Fear and discouragement can take us over before we even realize it when we stay busy on the hamster wheel of life. Wholeness is what God intends for his children. He knows important it is to take time for things that build your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellness! Self Care and Soul Care are not the same. Come join us for a time of disconnecting from all the 'should do' activities and just breathe, laugh and learn what science has proven about taking time to be creative and how it benefits our mental wellness. We will also learn what God tells us in His Word about creativity breaks to refuel our mind, body and Spirit too!