This BASICS 101 series is to break down and explain what is assumed we already know. We may have heard the words/phrases in a church setting or in conversations with others, but we are not clear on exactly what it means. When we learn what these things mean, it gives us more understanding to other things we once thought were unrelated. In this journey we call the spiritual walk of faith, one thing always builds up or helps explain something else! Much like algebra, but so much better! I hope this series is super simple to understand. I am praying as I write this, that it will help you deepen your knowledge of Christianity, Below you will find the BASICS 101 SERIES! I don't think Jesus ever intended for it to be so complicated. :) Trinity Salvation Relationship vs Religion Churchy Words, I Need a Bible I Can Understand that may be easier to understand than King James Version. If there is anything else you would like to see in this series, PLEASE let me know by commenting or contacting me! Remember, this is all about YOU and how God is reaching out to help you find a big, beautiful relationship with Him! Don't forget the START HERE! Assessment!